
Laser Treatment for Kidney Stone in Pune

Laser Treatment for Kidney Stone varies depending on the size and location of the stone & the patients symptoms and overall Health.

Small stone with Symptoms can be Treated Non Invasive by:

  • Increasing fluid intake to flush the stone out
  • Taking medication to assist in stone expulsion.
  • Medication helps to relax the muscles in the ureter, So that stone passes out quickly with minimal pain.
  • Taking Medication to relieve pain

Treatment options for urinary stones include :

An externally applied acoustic pulse is focused onto the stone to break it into tiny pieces. A tiny scope is inserted into the urinary tract to locate the stone, and laser energy is used to disintegrate it.

A small tunnel is made from the skin into the kidney to locate the stone, before fragmentation and removal of the stone. Small keyhole incisions are made into the abdomen to enter the urinary system and remove the stone.

Open surgery :

A large single incision is made into the abdomen to enter the urinary system and remove the stone. Post-treatment, the patient will have to take dietary precautions or medications to prevent a recurrence of the kidney stone.

Tips for preventing kidney stones :

Consume 2-3 litres of fluids, including soups and fruits, every day

As a rule of thumb, your urine should be quite clear at most times of the day. If the urine appears yellowish or concentrated, it means there is either low fluid intake or excessive sweating.

Reduce your salt intake, especially if you have high blood pressure Limit your intake of foods rich in oxalates.

  • Oxalate-rich foods, e.g. peanuts, almonds, chocolates, strawberries, blueberries, asparagus, spinach, wheat bran
  • Oxalate-rich beverages, e.g. tea, coffee, beer, soy drinks
  • Purine-rich foods, e.g. organ meats, shellfish, sardine, anchovies

Consume more citrus foods such as lemon, orange, lime and grapefruit which are protective against kidney stones.